

Concerning an exhibition at the Academy of Fine arts, Calcutta


September 7. 1991



The exhibition "Thailand, Denmark, India" (Academy of Fine arts, Central Gallery) presents the three artists - Chamnon Tong-Upagran, Lars Ahlstrand and Babita Das.

It was a unique blending of talents and visual dimensions which gave viewers a fulfilling experience. There was abstract paintings (Lars), strange mystical images (Chamnan) and quality graphies (Babita Das) which made the eye travel and rest and enjoy the vibrant sense of contrast the trio projected. Lars in his abstract images transmitted light radiations with luminous colours.

Abstraction quite naturally is an elusive concept to bring out effecttively, but Lars succeeded in creating interesting variety in his paintings through clearly conceived shape, volume, weight and texture of the different colour pathways that he handled. Each painting had a central dominant pigment and this made them as a series exciting and project momentum and energy.
They gave a lot of food for thought to those practising this difficult art form which very seldom ignites into life.

- Kishore Chatterjee